Wednesday, 19 November 2014


The only thing worth writing down is that this pen, words and language cannot evoke enough about this wondrous experience of life. Language can never do enough to convey feeling. Language is not even enough to describe the taste of an orange so indulge me in closing your eyes for just a moment and communicate with the higher power; the very highest of powers without the words you spent so long learning, studying and using. Words rely on one another to dance around a subject and never actually engage or touch it. You are what you feel and what you feel must be expressed. Forget using words, just feel. Send forth your feelings and express what words never could and never will be able to. You don't have to worry about whether this message, this communication will be clearly understood, because it will. You don't have to worry about whether there will be an answer, because the answer will be how you feel, whether it is an intensifying or a gradual change in feeling. Just surrender your fears and trust that the message, your message, your communication, your expression will be received and communicate now what you feel inside. There's no need to speak it aloud or even form the words in your mind to send it out, just feel it and know that simultaneously it is being received where, when and exactly how it is meant to be in the only language that the universe ever meant for us to learn. This is the unsung prayer. This is your unsung prayer. It will be felt not heard, wherever it is felt by your very centre, from your innermost, the secret of the most secret place in your heart. Any words we learn anywhere else to motivate or to teach us anything worthy of any attention will only be a dance around this place, this moment, this innermost dimension, this place of feeling. Do not take this place, this moment lightly. Do not take this place, this moment heavily. This here is the place and this moment is the time and this here... is the reply if you are but willing to listen.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Keep Your Dreams Fuelled

Keep things moving and flowing and you will find that every step, even if it’s backwards is one step closer. Success is not a straight and narrow road. It’s a state of mind out of which your greatness flows. Whether that greatness is yours or God’s is debatable but at least its happening through you and you can feel comfort and pride in that knowledge. Allow your actions and energy to flow into everything that you do and keep your goals and ambitions close to your heart. There you will find even the most mundane, trivial and unrelated acts will arouse great satisfaction from within you. You will find a blissful inspiration through your every action. That’s a good place to be.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Cleaning Out Your Dirty Chicken

Ok So why am I talking about cleaning out chicken in this video? Is it possibly one of the strangest, most abstract analogies every formulated? Maybe, but when you begin to sincerely ask the important questions in life and really want to know how to get ahead, the inspiration comes to you through everything you do. I happened to be cleaning out a big old bucket of chicken in my restaurant! I won’t go into it in this blog, you’ll have to watch the video, but the gist of it is that you should keep things flowing in your life. Always keep moving and don’t let the situation and your energies stagnate. Every action takes your failures one step farther away and gets you one step closer to your truest ambitions. Be sincere in your askings and the universe will provide.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

How to Be Around an Angry Spouse/ Parent/ Sibling/ Friend

HOW TO BE AROUND ANGRY PEOPLE. Anger is a fire that burns everything it touches. It does not discriminate because it is deeply unconscious. If it was conscious it would be selective. It burns ones internal resources. It can cause great harm to the self and to others. Some people use anger as a means for gaining a sense of significance and to feel some control in a situation. This is false and serves no one. Anger will not be quelled unless it is closely examined. Its effects are clear. You do not feel better after feeling angry, you hurt people in anger, you hurt from anger, prolonged anger makes you sick and is exhausting. Anger is to identify strongly with ideas that are not necessarily true. It takes a great amount of energy to sustain a state of anger. It is difficult to help someone when they are angry. It is as dangerous as helping a drowning person in the midst of panic. There is a very real risk that they will themselves cause you to drown in your effort to help them. So how do you help someone who is drowning? You swim to them, approaching them from behind. You take your arm and hold them across their chest from behind. In this position they can’t do anything to harm you, they’re looking up and away from the water and you can safely swim them to safety. In the same way, when dealing with an angry person, do not supplicate to their anger by being unconscious and taking everything they are dishing out but don’t speak out of anger yourself either. Let them vent and listen very consciously without taking offence. They will burn everything they come into contact with. Protect yourself with conscious effort. Use your “Attention Energy” as a fire fighter would spray his hose on an inferno. Fire eventually burns itself out. Once all of the energy has been burnt out, what remains is the same person you love in a more normal state. To fight fire with fire will not work and an angry person will not be receptive to anything you have to say most likely. Help dissipate the anger by simply listening without taking offence or taking position on any point. This is what an angry person needs. Anger is a one-way expression. It burns itself out, then comes the time to begin rebuilding and potentially reshaping the house of obsolete views, assuming that is the conversation that the truth demands. You mustn’t waste energy trying to communicate at a time when no one is willing to listen and understand. That time is definitely not when someone is angry. Let anger be the one-way expression and then bring on your love and more of your clarity.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Your Relationship is Your Ultimate Practice

Relationships can be a real pain in the….
! That’s true, but the pain is yours and it serves its purpose in deepening and strengthening your resolve. If you are able to serve your partner, you are diving deep beneath the stormy seas of life in your submarine. Remember you are in a submarine not just a little dinghy to be thrown around. Dive deeper and experience the calm. The more awkward and difficult a relationship is, the deeper you must dive into the ocean of consciousness. When you are able to dive deep enough and bring that level of presence into your relationship, you are transmuting your partner for the better. It may take some time and some patience but it will happen eventually. As a Muslim, we believe getting married is completing half of your religion. This is not just the act of getting married, but rather fulfilling the rights and integrities of your partner due to them. Loving them selflessly and putting yourself and your ego to one side. Diving deep into this ocean of consciousness every time the storm of an argument arises and bringing the calm below the surface tension out. This is done through your loving attention. It takes nothing more than even looking at your partner with love and compassion. The “Attention Energy” is highly effective from this place of love. This place of love runs deep below this stormy ocean. Arguing with your partner is a waste of energy. It will deplete you both until you gather enough energy to fight with one another again. Your partner is never the problem, it is your ability to dig deep enough. I will say here that there are the very rare exceptions, but these are really extreme cases in which separating is the best solution however there are an extraordinarily small portion of the population who would fall into this category. Your partner is your practice! Your partner is a manifestation of what it is you see in the world. If your partner is a problem, they are merely reflecting what it is that you believe about yourself and the world. This is why this practice of loving and compassionate “Attention Energy” is so important in healing not only your partner, but yourself. Psychologists have long been aware that what their clients see in the people in their lives is a reflection of their internal world. Why not start loving yourself by loving those around you?

What is an Emotional Credit?


Every salesperson wants to know how to do this but it is in fact a skill that everyone should learn. We are all in the business of influencing others to meet our needs. Although this isn’t always what we should be doing it is nevertheless an important skill and at its highest level, is actually impossible to abuse so I am happy to share it here. To influence and build rapport with people, you must make them feel good. This must be a genuine and sincere effort or else it will come across as repulsive and you will have created a distance. HELP people feel good about themselves and the decisions they make. This is not like a drug to the brain, it is a drug in the brain! Neuro chemicals are released when we are complimented. It helps us to feel good about ourselves. Nowadays many people have difficulty accepting praise which is a real shame, drawing attention to this when you see it is a great service to people. Do not criticise people however. If you do you deplete the emotional credit you hold with them. I cannot remember exactly where I came across this concept of emotional credit, but I have spent many years being grateful for it with each one of the relationships I have in my life. The people in your life hold an account for which the credit is based purely on feelings. If you help them feel good and are sincere about it, the account will build up. If you are critical and self-centred you will drive this account into overdraft. The more credit you have with an individual, the greater your influence will be. Acting with integrity will build credit with most people who are able to recognise this quality. This may not be the case with people who don’t recognise this quality but that is absolutely fine. You shouldn’t want to be in the company of people who don’t resonate with these qualities as they can, generally speaking, be very unconscious and can cause great conflict for you. Love your family unconditionally and serve everyone that comes into your life and you will gain great influence. The greatest and most influential leaders have been those that serve with the others best interest at heart. If you don’t believe in what you sell, then don’t sell it! You must believe in what it is that you sell in order to emote properly the benefits of your product or service. This cannot be abused when used correctly and is at its most powerful when supplemented with belief.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

What is the Purpose of Worrying?

Worry….How do you overcome it? Worry is just another form of fear. Fear as we have discussed is a lack of understanding the consequences. We do not fear the inevitable. Fear disappears when we understand consequences. So it could be said that fear and worry are manifestations of ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of right knowledge. Learn to recognise that when you are worrying, there are some very simple steps that one can take to bring light to a situation. To give the correct type of “Attention Energy” through right knowledge. To draw on the analogy of the glass of muddy water. Given enough time and patience, the mud will settle unless we stir it up with our mind by insisting upon running thoughts through the mind. Thinking is only useful when it is given the form of problem solving questions. Once the question is formed, very little else needs to be done. The answer will come forth in your moments of quietude. Go for a walk after you have asked the question of yourself. The answer may come back as a lack of data, in which case go learn what you need to learn in order to formulate your solutions. Often we fall into a state of worry as comfortable response to a problem. When we worry, we are actually assuring our mind that we are keeping the brain busy to find a solution. This is not however sincerely seeking a solution. It is a selfish state that serves the ego to fool it into thinking that it is doing something. Doing the wrong thing will never work. The sincere seeker asks questions and listens sincerely to what is revealed to his mind and acts upon it with gratitude. This is an unfolding of consciousness. It is aligning oneself with the reality of a situation and the truth of a situation. Sincerity is the key to overcoming worry in the long run and is the most productive state one can assume when tackling problems, You are a marvellous creature, let your consciousness unfold and become bigger than your problems. You only worry because you seem small relative to your problems. Unfold and become bigger and there is no problem you can’t overcome. I have belief in you and I have belief in this process.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Why Should we Have a Mentor/Coach/Teacher?

Why do we need a mentor? Why do we go to teachers? The simple answer would be to gain knowledge, but knowledge is an ocean with great depth. It is not something to be examined at face value. It is something to be experienced. Experience requires action. Mentors are those who have already been diving into this ocean of knowledge and have wrestled with the meaning of what they have seen and experienced enough to be able to influence and teach those who wish to follow and then exceed them. It is a fast-track to success. Learning a language from a book on your own can be tough, but if you have someone to converse with who is fluent, you will become proficient that much sooner. Fear is a wonderful thing when examined closely. It is nothing but a lack of understanding and experience. Once you have looked into the darkness and illuminated it with light, you will no longer fear what lurks in the dark. You will be able to plan, proceed and reach your objectives with arms wide open and without fear. If there is any fear within you, it only stems from a lack of understanding the consequences of your actions. Once you have examined best and worst case scenarios you will be able to determine a course of action with great ease and less hesitation. Success will become something you can almost taste. The mind has a habit of exaggerating fear and throughout the course of human survival it has served its purpose of keeping use safe very effectively, but we now live in the age of information. Information should serve to remove these fears and bring about rapid progress as we are already experiencing. The people at the forefront of this growth are those that understand the value of knowledge and are able to act with the information to hand. A mentor is a great source of this knowledge. A mentor can give you his attention and as I have discussed in other videos and blogs, attention is energy. It transmutes all that it comes into contact with. Quantum physics has shown this to be the case and life has shown all that choose to open their eyes to see this. It just hasn’t yet been articulated enough. Marketing is nothing but gaining greater mindshare. Mindshare is attention and attention is energy. Marketing is the process of gaining greater “Attention Energy.” The more attention the better, this is also why even bad press can serve to add to this energy when spun correctly. This energy is exponentially greater with belief. Belief is the valve for this energy. The Belief Valve can flow two ways. It can serve to build through belief and can serve to contra-flow the energy when belief is lacking to cause suffering. Isn’t it time you became more aware? Isn’t it time you started believing?

Monday, 29 September 2014

Egocentric Philosophers

Modern philosophy seems to be so much about disproving one philosopher or another. Subject matter is often discussed in absolute terms with a very egocentric agenda. Everything is relative and in comparing and contrasting these differences we begin the process of understanding our world a little better. Everything in our world is inextricably linked to everything else. We are part of a great number of systems. Systems are structured in hierarchies and are essentially depositories of information. Life started as single celled organisms which recognised that there was only so much information that could be stored in this form. It grew to become multi-cellular and was able to take on more information until 50 trillion cells later we arrived at what we call the human body. A massive agglomeration of cells which respond to their environment in order to make sense of the universe and their place in it. A consciousness made up of many mini consciousnesses all jostling and acting on a prevailing direction that is a felt experience of the world. Knowledge is a noble pursuit and helps us to filter our experiences and assign them a meaning of our choosing, at least, that is when we are consciously living in the present moment. Share knowledge around, we are not about to grow another leg or arm to become a different species and will not experience this world to differently than in our present condition. But if we are to learn the lessons taught us by our cells and wish to evolve and grow further, we must begin to form communities. Communities that communicate with one another and form bonds just like our cells. The internet has been big step forward in this respect and we must continue this path of growth by sharing what it is that we learn and understand about life. Share these blogs, videos and ideas with others. That is how we will evolve further, in sharing and collaborating with one another. This is how life will improve. We must become less isolated and more involved and have a drive for educating the self.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

How to Influence People

Influencing people is the number one objective for any leader. Influencing people increases productivity and moves everyone towards a common objective. Communication skills are important but are not the deciding factor. Think back to times when you were genuinely moved to do something. What did you feel? What was the person that moved you like? What did they say? How did they say it? What was your motivation? Did the motivation last very long? There are universal traits that I have found move people. In my extensive travels throughout much of the world, I have found one recurring trait that people of every nation respond to and that is good character. When you communicate with genuine warmth and compassion, people will respond in kind. Sometimes they won’t be able to see past their own problems or ego but even that can be broken through when enough attention is paid to the subject. Your attention and focus when it comes from a loving, compassionate and truthful place with in you has the power to change hearts. The heart is the primary driver in our behaviour. We act mostly based on feeling and then begin to rationalise actions with our thoughts. Thoughts have a way of influencing our emotions over time like a slow drip that eventually overflows to bring forth emotion and action. Your attention is a powerful influencer. Be present enough to be aware of where this attention is deriving its energy from. Live and act with integrity to truth and the best of you will be present and the best of you is what will move mountains. Believe in yourself but have the humility to ask of yourself whether your actions are serving the truth. Your truth, the truth of those you serve, the truth of the natural and the divine. Revolutions, religions and lasting change for the better have all come from this deep place of truth.

How Real is My Love? How Real Are my Thoughts?

Have you ever considered that your thoughts are alive? They may not be alive with their own consciousness but they are vibrant with energy. This energy has the power to influence and cause change. What you think often alters the meaning that you attach to a great many things in your life. It makes the beautiful ugly and the ugly beautiful. It helps you to see things in people, in yourself and to look beyond the surface. The same depths that you explore in your moments of quietude.  Your attention is raw energy and the thoughts are the forms that they take with which you identify and emote. Your emotion is like a frequency which is either in tune with truth, with you, with divine and natural law to cause a resonance. When it is not in tune and you associate negative emotions with your thoughts, then those same thoughts, which were nothing but energy patterns are in dissonance with truth, you, other people, people you care about, divine law and natural law. Life feels painful and as a result causes you to age prematurely, manifest disease and manufacture suffering. Learn to listen to your gut, follow what you feel. Start loving because loving feels good. Do not stir pain in relationships when it arises and watch it until it dissolves and regroups in a coherent pattern of love. Don’t be martyr in a relationship but be very aware and conscious. This doesn’t mean you have to point out everything in your partner that you dislike or that they are potentially doing wrong. You should just watch it and give it enough attention energy to dissolve it and make its pattern coherent and resonant with all that is good.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Affirmations, What Do They Do?

Affirmations should be felt not spoken. Too often we are focussed on words. We place our hopes in the words we utter over and over and then we wonder why our affirmations don’t work. It’s because we are feeling a lack of something. We are only affirming our deepest fears and only serving to increase our desires to create an even greater hole within ourselves. It isn’t until we actually feel gratitude for what we have in our life that we will be able to grow further. Your affirmations are programming your subconscious on one level to seek out your desires to bring them to your attention wherever you see them (by way of the reticular activation system) and on a quantum level are moving the universe to reorder creation into that which you emote. But if you are emoting and feeling a distinct lack of something in your life, your affirmations will only serve to strengthen the lack further. You must ask the universe once, but ask properly. Ask in a manner which makes you excited and then move on to all of the other things that you should be rightly grateful for in your life. This is a state of abundance and is far more desirable. It means you will be happy in the now and will be ready for greater things. When you are ready, it will come, and it will come effortlessly.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

How to Be Charismatic

Charisma is something that people feel when in your presence. It is something communicated subtly but is not a trait made visible solely through your words. It is a felt experience in yourself and the people around you. It arises from a sense of presence. It arises from stillness and can move people to do things that would otherwise be very difficult to motivate them to do. It is a communication that arises from a deeper part of yourself. To reach this deeper part of the self takes some people many years and overcoming many struggles. It comes from a sensitivity to your own state and the determination to keep your focus on truths. Truths as we already discussed make us not only physically stronger but more rooted with our true inner nature. Out of this connection with this internal source comes an outpouring of energy that is difficult for anyone to ignore. Your attention and energy by way of your communication and even the look from your eyes becomes powerful enough for people to sense. When we are shaken, unsure and don’t believe ourself; are essentially misaligned with our integrities we become the very opposite and will be shrugged off by one and all as being a very trivial individual. Charisma is a measure of how deeply one has delved into ones integrities and truths. One begins as a novice diver unable to hold his breath for long under the ocean of thoughts that is the mind, but with practice and diligence by weathering the storms of life, you will find yourself able to sustain your state for longer and longer periods until one day you no longer surface and are dead to the world above in a state of surrender.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Surrendering Your Self is not Giving Up

We get angry when things don’t go our way. Anger can consume a lot of energy as will the resulting frustrations. These are states in which we are focussed on the problem. The result of focussing on problem is more problems, being in a state of stress, possible depression and/or long term negative effects on the disposition. Why not consider surrendering? When I say surrender, I don’t mean giving up. Surrendering your unproductive states. Anger is not a productive state. It is an all-consuming fire. Sometimes when I get angry I forget everyone and everything, I become blind and can say some pretty ignorant things. It becomes a struggle with myself for significance. This is a battle I cannot win. Rational questions are great to clear up thinking and focus on solutions. This drives the mind from becoming consumed by problems and working towards solutions. There is still a tendency for people to fall into a state of forcing solutions to come. This is a problem in itself and only creates more suffering. Ask your mind a question oriented for a solution only once and then go do something mundane like washing the dishes or taking a long walk. Your subconscious will be working in the background and a solution will surface. This is the state of surrender. This is where your solution will appear. Live easy, stop stressing. Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Where Does Confidence Come From?

INCENTIVE TO SEE THE GLASS AS HALF FULL. You may have heard of kinesiology, if not, then in brief; it is a form of muscle testing to determine how your body is reacting to certain things which can be as varied as food or thoughts. It can often be used to determine whether there are specific problem areas in the body but also to verify the validity of your own thoughts about any particular question or thought you are entertaining presently in your mind. Essentially you can test for whether you really believe the fact that is being presented to you. For example if I were to think My name is Mobeen and hold that thought in my mind as someone was testing my muscles, maybe by pushing down on my outstretched arm, then the reaction from my muscles would be a strong one and I would be able to withstand some force on my arm. However if I think in my head that my name is John and I know this to be false, then the arm would become weak and unable to withstand as much force. This is a very simple test for the power of truth, belief, the alignment of my integrities and a very credible demonstration of the link between mind and body. When faced with truth, we are physically stronger than when entertaining a lie. Apply this to self-confidence and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that we are stronger when dealing with truth and facts. These tests also hold true for when we entertain negative thoughts about ourselves and just as importantly about others. Negativity makes us weak and any CREDIBLE positivity makes us stronger. We must have integrity in upholding the truths in our life. When faced with the choice of doom or glory, we must choose to take the path that holds greatest truth. It is important to always see truth and uphold its integrity and your own integrity. This is the very foundation of strength and confidence. This is why we can feel when we are taking the right course of action even in difficult circumstances. It keeps us in touch with a greater source of energy than our limited sense of individual self. Mindfulness is nothing more than being in the moment and being in touch with these integrities. Knowledge, when applied wisely, allows us to make more informed choices but without feeling the right decision within yourself first, even your precious facts will let you down. The wisdom arrives as a felt experience in your moments of decision.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Getting Caught Up In Thoughts

Thought is a topic discussed by so many and will likely be a topic that will be debated and discussed in greater detail in the future as we discover more about the mind, its nature and the thoughts we experience and generate. For the discussion today we will discuss things to hopefully shed a little more light and open up a conversation. The brain itself generates electrical signals, which can be measured using EEG scans. The nature of thoughts and these waves is generally speaking very erratic and very difficult to grasp even when displayed as EEGs but we are able to extrapolate some conclusions and observe patterns. The two hemispheres of the brain do not always work in unison. The right and the left often display very different patterns as do the front and back of the brain. It has been observed that during meditation the waves become more uniform and begin synchronising suggesting that more of the brain is able to work on the same frequency. This frequency pattern is known as alpha waves. What many people don’t know is that these patterns are actually the same frequency as the Earth. The Earth has it’s own frequency which can be measured and calculated based on its relationship between the crust and the ionosphere. This electromagnetic frequency is approximately 7.83Hz and is the same frequency displayed as a brain displaying alpha wave activity. The brain is able to resonate with this frequency and it is a deeply energising and vitalising experience. We are in alignment with our planet in this state and it is not possible to think of anything destructive in this state. You cannot conceive of anything against nature when in this state because you are resonating with nature. It is possible to develop thoughts of compassion, love and anything positive in this state. When thoughts are left to determine direction without consciousness they begin run in dissonance with this frequency and are generally incoherent. This is a great source of pain and misery. It is a distressing, damaging and disturbing feeling. When we are allowing our thoughts to run and rule our mind, they are being processed through all of the experiences our brain and mind has accumulated over time. Due to the nature of the world and society we live in, we have all experienced a great deal of pain and hurt. This pain and hurt is something everyone will have experienced and felt as a very strong emotion throughout their own experience of life. When the mind is allowed to run on autopilot the energy that continuously flows through our consciousness at all times is coursing through this programming of the brain and mind and becomes a generator of suffering. This is why we must watch our thoughts very carefully. This is why we must be mindful of our thoughts so as to dissolve them and allow the true underlying gentle nature of the mind to surface. When we are negative we will influence everyone around us with our thoughts through our ignorance and despondency. We must take responsibility for our thoughts, not to squash them, but to forgive ourselves and love ourselves once again. Be careful what you think, because they will ultimately resonate with something. Be sure that you resonate with the good in this world so that you might attract more goodness to you.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

What is thinking, How to Solve Problems

Your brain is an answering mechanism. It operates best when it is posed questions. If this is all you take away from here, then that will be sufficient to make massively positive changes in your life providing the questions you are asking of your brain are well formed to finding solutions. Your brain and your mind are two very different things. Your mind is attention. It is focus. This attention is a source of energy. Sometimes this focus is turned inward and thoughts arise, at other times your attention is outward on the external reality you see. Whether inward or outwardly directed, energy is being distributed. This energy is more powerful than it has historically been given credit for. Modern science in the field of quantum physics is demonstrating quite clearly that our attention and observation is literally influencing the universe we see. Your thoughts are alive with the ability to transform. They form patterns and waveforms, which resonate with other patterns and waveforms to form our world and circumstances. Some thoughts are conscious, others are unconscious, that is to say are that they are not within our immediate perception of control in the present moment. We can however use the conscious mind to slowly alter the subconscious mind. This can be seen in some respects as our subconscious operating in a different time frame to our conscious mind. By consciously drawing attention to the present moment and potentially drawing attention to positive outcomes we can influence the programming of the subconscious which will in turn alter the course that ‘auto-pilot’ of the subconscious runs. This makes for greater unity between conscious and subconscious mind and their thoughts to create more coherency and therefore a greater degree of our attention energy being used to drive toward a more focussed purpose. This is why being more present and in the moment is so important. It creates greater coherency and allows for the fruits of our efforts to be as we see and will them to be.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

How to Improve Concentration

How do you improve your concentration? … Firstly the purpose of asking such a question is more to do with being able to focus on something for the purpose of being more productive, so a better question to ask might be; how do I focus on what I want? Or how do I keep myself on track to achieving my goals? When it comes to your attention, it is perfect. It always does exactly what you want it to do. The problem arises when we are not exactly doing what we are passionate about. It is not the result that we must fall in love with i.e. money. Money is a goal that everyone has and is something we can get passionate about once we have it, but are we passionate about the process of making it? Are we expressing our passion in the process of earning? If not, concentrating on something you are not completely aligned with is a distraction in itself. Your mind has a functional process within it called the reticular activation system. We cannot be distracted by everything that happens to occur within our field of vision, otherwise we would not be able to achieve anything. Our reticular activation system brings to our attention only the things that we really want to see and know. This involves a level of emotional involvement. You must get emotionally involved in the tasks that lead you to your goal. The tasks themselves must be rewarding to you in order for you to stay on track. This can be artificially created with small rewards at each minor milestone on your path and larger rewards with the more major milestones. This will work to an extent but is far more powerful when you truly enjoy your work. Love your work, love the people you work with and always encourage yourself and the people around you. This is the path to success. This will make some people uncomfortable because what I am suggesting is that perhaps there is a reason why you are not yet successful? Think about it….perhaps it time to move on and follow your passion and of course you should think about how to monetise this to some degree, f possible or supplement this passion with other work that earns. When you start seeing things in this way, life should begin to flow better.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Have a Purpose for Learning

How your Brain Learns
How does learning work? Look up the bibliographies and references in the books you read. Get an understanding from the sources within the context they were originally intended. Education of the mind is vitally important both through books and through practical experience. Failure is a necessity in the process of learning. In order to accelerate your learning, it may help to understand the functions of the various parts of the brain. The brain is a tool we use everyday to interface and interact with the world, it is a wonder how little most people know about it and its proper use. The left side of the brain is logic driven and can connect ideas closely related to one another and is good when used with focussed intent. The right side of the brain is more creative and works much better when it is given the freedom to explore and wander. It is able to connect ideas and thoughts which seem unrelated to create out of the box and creative solutions. You have to sometimes let go of the control of the left brain during problem solving and let the right brain do its thing. We sometimes focus on problems so much so that we completely ignore solutions and fixate and remain within a state of mind that can only think ‘PROBLEM’ Ask your brain a question and do something mundane for a few minutes, you may be surprised at what surfaces…

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Keep Good Company and don't Let People Shake Your Beliefs

To align yourself is to think, feel and do congruently. So to be aligned with an action, you must feel what it is that you do. This is done through mindfulness in the body. Feel the sensations within your body and your emotions as you think and do. Visualising and thinking what to do is not enough and can still be a mismatch if the emotional content is lacking. It is the emotion which will move the action and it is the positive emotion that will allow the most productive thoughts to arise. Fear must be overcome. Fear is for the most part not knowing the outcome or the response of your activity. Education and experience will overcome this. Fear will remain but will no longer hold the same grip it once did. The problem which once seemed so big and insurmountable will remain the same size however you will have grown beyond your previous boundaries into something greater. Something that is now equally matched to or greater than the problem through positive action and knowledge. The emotions of lacking are now replaced by an abundance of knowledge and the result is a better outcome that you can see arising. The programming of your mind will have shifted and your heart will have fuelled this movement. Keep good company to the ends of achieving your goals, and cultivate good character to act out of truth. The truth of any situation no matter how grim it may seem is the most liberating path and the path to the greatest progress both materially and spiritually in the long run.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Understand your Family History to Build on the Momentum of Past Generations

 Understand your Family History to Build on the Momentum of  Past Generations

There is a certain momentum behind the ideas, experiences and endeavours within families and communities and on a greater scale nations. To tap into this momentum is to build upon an existing base and can be a very powerful place to be. There is great wisdom to be gained from those who have walked the path already and we would do well to gain insight to form a map of the path ahead. There is also a level of subtle energy behind the road well travelled. If we can attune ourselves to this energy field, we can penetrate deeper into the meaning behind our doing and having this sense of purpose makes for a greater and deeper influence on those that we serve.