Modern philosophy seems to be so much about disproving one philosopher or another. Subject matter is often discussed in absolute terms with a very egocentric agenda. Everything is relative and in comparing and contrasting these differences we begin the process of understanding our world a little better. Everything in our world is inextricably linked to everything else. We are part of a great number of systems. Systems are structured in hierarchies and are essentially depositories of information. Life started as single celled organisms which recognised that there was only so much information that could be stored in this form. It grew to become multi-cellular and was able to take on more information until 50 trillion cells later we arrived at what we call the human body. A massive agglomeration of cells which respond to their environment in order to make sense of the universe and their place in it. A consciousness made up of many mini consciousnesses all jostling and acting on a prevailing direction that is a felt experience of the world. Knowledge is a noble pursuit and helps us to filter our experiences and assign them a meaning of our choosing, at least, that is when we are consciously living in the present moment. Share knowledge around, we are not about to grow another leg or arm to become a different species and will not experience this world to differently than in our present condition. But if we are to learn the lessons taught us by our cells and wish to evolve and grow further, we must begin to form communities. Communities that communicate with one another and form bonds just like our cells. The internet has been big step forward in this respect and we must continue this path of growth by sharing what it is that we learn and understand about life. Share these blogs, videos and ideas with others. That is how we will evolve further, in sharing and collaborating with one another. This is how life will improve. We must become less isolated and more involved and have a drive for educating the self.
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