What is thinking, How to Solve Problems

Your brain is an answering mechanism. It operates best when it is posed questions. If this is all you take away from here, then that will be sufficient to make massively positive changes in your life providing the questions you are asking of your brain are well formed to finding solutions. Your brain and your mind are two very different things. Your mind is attention. It is focus. This attention is a source of energy. Sometimes this focus is turned inward and thoughts arise, at other times your attention is outward on the external reality you see. Whether inward or outwardly directed, energy is being distributed. This energy is more powerful than it has historically been given credit for. Modern science in the field of quantum physics is demonstrating quite clearly that our attention and observation is literally influencing the universe we see. Your thoughts are alive with the ability to transform. They form patterns and waveforms, which resonate with other patterns and waveforms to form our world and circumstances. Some thoughts are conscious, others are unconscious, that is to say are that they are not within our immediate perception of control in the present moment. We can however use the conscious mind to slowly alter the subconscious mind. This can be seen in some respects as our subconscious operating in a different time frame to our conscious mind. By consciously drawing attention to the present moment and potentially drawing attention to positive outcomes we can influence the programming of the subconscious which will in turn alter the course that ‘auto-pilot’ of the subconscious runs. This makes for greater unity between conscious and subconscious mind and their thoughts to create more coherency and therefore a greater degree of our attention energy being used to drive toward a more focussed purpose. This is why being more present and in the moment is so important. It creates greater coherency and allows for the fruits of our efforts to be as we see and will them to be.
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