Influencing people is the number one objective for any leader. Influencing people increases productivity and moves everyone towards a common objective. Communication skills are important but are not the deciding factor. Think back to times when you were genuinely moved to do something. What did you feel? What was the person that moved you like? What did they say? How did they say it? What was your motivation? Did the motivation last very long? There are universal traits that I have found move people. In my extensive travels throughout much of the world, I have found one recurring trait that people of every nation respond to and that is good character. When you communicate with genuine warmth and compassion, people will respond in kind. Sometimes they won’t be able to see past their own problems or ego but even that can be broken through when enough attention is paid to the subject. Your attention and focus when it comes from a loving, compassionate and truthful place with in you has the power to change hearts. The heart is the primary driver in our behaviour. We act mostly based on feeling and then begin to rationalise actions with our thoughts. Thoughts have a way of influencing our emotions over time like a slow drip that eventually overflows to bring forth emotion and action. Your attention is a powerful influencer. Be present enough to be aware of where this attention is deriving its energy from. Live and act with integrity to truth and the best of you will be present and the best of you is what will move mountains. Believe in yourself but have the humility to ask of yourself whether your actions are serving the truth. Your truth, the truth of those you serve, the truth of the natural and the divine. Revolutions, religions and lasting change for the better have all come from this deep place of truth.
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