Why do we need a mentor? Why do we go to teachers? The simple answer would be to gain knowledge, but knowledge is an ocean with great depth. It is not something to be examined at face value. It is something to be experienced. Experience requires action. Mentors are those who have already been diving into this ocean of knowledge and have wrestled with the meaning of what they have seen and experienced enough to be able to influence and teach those who wish to follow and then exceed them. It is a fast-track to success. Learning a language from a book on your own can be tough, but if you have someone to converse with who is fluent, you will become proficient that much sooner. Fear is a wonderful thing when examined closely. It is nothing but a lack of understanding and experience. Once you have looked into the darkness and illuminated it with light, you will no longer fear what lurks in the dark. You will be able to plan, proceed and reach your objectives with arms wide open and without fear. If there is any fear within you, it only stems from a lack of understanding the consequences of your actions. Once you have examined best and worst case scenarios you will be able to determine a course of action with great ease and less hesitation. Success will become something you can almost taste. The mind has a habit of exaggerating fear and throughout the course of human survival it has served its purpose of keeping use safe very effectively, but we now live in the age of information. Information should serve to remove these fears and bring about rapid progress as we are already experiencing. The people at the forefront of this growth are those that understand the value of knowledge and are able to act with the information to hand. A mentor is a great source of this knowledge. A mentor can give you his attention and as I have discussed in other videos and blogs, attention is energy. It transmutes all that it comes into contact with. Quantum physics has shown this to be the case and life has shown all that choose to open their eyes to see this. It just hasn’t yet been articulated enough. Marketing is nothing but gaining greater mindshare. Mindshare is attention and attention is energy. Marketing is the process of gaining greater “Attention Energy.” The more attention the better, this is also why even bad press can serve to add to this energy when spun correctly. This energy is exponentially greater with belief. Belief is the valve for this energy. The Belief Valve can flow two ways. It can serve to build through belief and can serve to contra-flow the energy when belief is lacking to cause suffering. Isn’t it time you became more aware? Isn’t it time you started believing?
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