Worry….How do you overcome it? Worry is just another form of fear. Fear as we have discussed is a lack of understanding the consequences. We do not fear the inevitable. Fear disappears when we understand consequences. So it could be said that fear and worry are manifestations of ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of right knowledge. Learn to recognise that when you are worrying, there are some very simple steps that one can take to bring light to a situation. To give the correct type of “Attention Energy” through right knowledge. To draw on the analogy of the glass of muddy water. Given enough time and patience, the mud will settle unless we stir it up with our mind by insisting upon running thoughts through the mind. Thinking is only useful when it is given the form of problem solving questions. Once the question is formed, very little else needs to be done. The answer will come forth in your moments of quietude. Go for a walk after you have asked the question of yourself. The answer may come back as a lack of data, in which case go learn what you need to learn in order to formulate your solutions. Often we fall into a state of worry as comfortable response to a problem. When we worry, we are actually assuring our mind that we are keeping the brain busy to find a solution. This is not however sincerely seeking a solution. It is a selfish state that serves the ego to fool it into thinking that it is doing something. Doing the wrong thing will never work. The sincere seeker asks questions and listens sincerely to what is revealed to his mind and acts upon it with gratitude. This is an unfolding of consciousness. It is aligning oneself with the reality of a situation and the truth of a situation. Sincerity is the key to overcoming worry in the long run and is the most productive state one can assume when tackling problems, You are a marvellous creature, let your consciousness unfold and become bigger than your problems. You only worry because you seem small relative to your problems. Unfold and become bigger and there is no problem you can’t overcome. I have belief in you and I have belief in this process.
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