INCENTIVE TO SEE THE GLASS AS HALF FULL. You may have heard of kinesiology, if not, then in brief; it is a form of muscle testing to determine how your body is reacting to certain things which can be as varied as food or thoughts. It can often be used to determine whether there are specific problem areas in the body but also to verify the validity of your own thoughts about any particular question or thought you are entertaining presently in your mind. Essentially you can test for whether you really believe the fact that is being presented to you. For example if I were to think My name is Mobeen and hold that thought in my mind as someone was testing my muscles, maybe by pushing down on my outstretched arm, then the reaction from my muscles would be a strong one and I would be able to withstand some force on my arm. However if I think in my head that my name is John and I know this to be false, then the arm would become weak and unable to withstand as much force. This is a very simple test for the power of truth, belief, the alignment of my integrities and a very credible demonstration of the link between mind and body. When faced with truth, we are physically stronger than when entertaining a lie. Apply this to self-confidence and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that we are stronger when dealing with truth and facts. These tests also hold true for when we entertain negative thoughts about ourselves and just as importantly about others. Negativity makes us weak and any CREDIBLE positivity makes us stronger. We must have integrity in upholding the truths in our life. When faced with the choice of doom or glory, we must choose to take the path that holds greatest truth. It is important to always see truth and uphold its integrity and your own integrity. This is the very foundation of strength and confidence. This is why we can feel when we are taking the right course of action even in difficult circumstances. It keeps us in touch with a greater source of energy than our limited sense of individual self. Mindfulness is nothing more than being in the moment and being in touch with these integrities. Knowledge, when applied wisely, allows us to make more informed choices but without feeling the right decision within yourself first, even your precious facts will let you down. The wisdom arrives as a felt experience in your moments of decision.
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