To align yourself is to think, feel and do congruently. So to be aligned with an action, you must feel what it is that you do. This is done through mindfulness in the body. Feel the sensations within your body and your emotions as you think and do. Visualising and thinking what to do is not enough and can still be a mismatch if the emotional content is lacking. It is the emotion which will move the action and it is the positive emotion that will allow the most productive thoughts to arise. Fear must be overcome. Fear is for the most part not knowing the outcome or the response of your activity. Education and experience will overcome this. Fear will remain but will no longer hold the same grip it once did. The problem which once seemed so big and insurmountable will remain the same size however you will have grown beyond your previous boundaries into something greater. Something that is now equally matched to or greater than the problem through positive action and knowledge. The emotions of lacking are now replaced by an abundance of knowledge and the result is a better outcome that you can see arising. The programming of your mind will have shifted and your heart will have fuelled this movement. Keep good company to the ends of achieving your goals, and cultivate good character to act out of truth. The truth of any situation no matter how grim it may seem is the most liberating path and the path to the greatest progress both materially and spiritually in the long run.
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